The first piece of blank paper from week 1 has a nice overview of your work environment! The theme of the second week will be analyzing you tasks, so we are shifting from context to content.
In the second week of the BiTL course, information about how to analyze your tasks will be given by the Toyota 3M model and by the 8 types of waste used in Lean management.
Both the model and the types of waste will support you in making an overview of all the tasks you do during a working week, including what the tasks consist of and where waste is presented
Supporting Knowledge:
The Toyota 3M model consists of three building blocks for the Toyota Product System. The three M’s (Muda, Mura and Muri) are the most important for you to understand. It helps you with analyzing your tasks and to have an idea what ways of working can obstruct the efficiency of your tasks.
Muda (無駄) = waste
‘Every process element that does not create value on a product’
Mura (斑) = unevenness
‘Irregularity, fluctuation and variety over time and in space during the whole process’
Muri (無理) = overburden
‘Pushing a machine or a person beyond the technical or physical limits’
The 3M’s aren’t a unit without reason. In a lot of companies, only muda is implemented in the system because most of the time, it’s low hanging fruit. However, if one’s not implemented during the analyzation of your tasks, you will see that your system of all your tasks you have to do during a week, will fail. For a short recap, check the link below. Muda, Mura and Muri are clearly explained with some examples and the video gives you an idea how the 3M’s can help you with analyzing your tasks.
Within Lean management, there are 8 types of waste (muda). In the video below, all 8 of them will be described with some examples that will help you with analyzing your tasks.
Use a blank piece of paper (A4) and draw, photoshop or describe the current state of the different tasks you are doing and the content of those tasks. Make clear for yourself, in a way that suits you, where there are types of waste. With one of the 3M’s, 8 types of waste or a combination of them is present in each of your tasks?